Professor; ECE Graduate Program Director
Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architectureabuaisheh@noujcf.com Office: 860.768.5479; Cell: 860.993.9757 UT 236
PhD, Optical Communications, Florida Institute of Technology
MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Florida
BSEE, University of Florida
Akram Abu-Aisheh is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and ECE Graduate Program Director at the University of Hartford. He was the Assistant Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department for two years. Professor Abu-aisheh's research interests include fiber optic communications and power electronics. His specific research has included Fiber Optic and RF Communications, Photovoltaic and Hybrid LED-Based Illumination Systems, Photonics, Engineering Education, and Power Electronics.
Academic Positions
- Professor and Director, University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, April 2019 - present
- Associate Professor and Director, University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, Aug 2010 - March 2019
- Assistant Professor and Director, University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, Aug 2008 - Aug 2010
- Assistant Professor, University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, Aug 2006 - Aug 2008
Industrial Experience
CEO, Sustainable Illumination Systems, Hartford, Connecticut, Apr 2010 - 12
- Developed sustainable hybrid illumination system
Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Tyco Telecommunications, 2000 - 06
- Defined functional test process for 10 and 12 Gb/s optical transmission equipment.
- Developed manufacturing testing requirements.
- Trained technicians.
- Introduced new products.
- Coordinated with R&D engineers.
Member of the Technical Staff, Tyco Telecommunications, 1999 - 2000
- Worked on the development of the first generation of 10 Gb/s optical transmission systems.
Member of the Technical Staff, Filter Research Corporation, 1996 - 97
- Sample products fabrication.
- Documentation for production.
- Quality control.
Electrical Engineer, M. A. & Bros. Contracting Company, 1992 - 93
- Troubleshooting and design of electrical power distribution boards.
- CETA College Curriculum Committee, Chair, 2008
- ECE Department Assistant Chair, 2007-2010
- CETA Academic Standing Committee, 2007
- CETA Dean’s Leadership Committee, 2007
- Fiber Optic and RF Communications
- Photovoltaic and Hybrid LED-Based Illumination Systems
- Photonics
- Engineering Education
- Power Electronics
Awards and Grants
- Best Paper Award, 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Tunisia, Summer 2010
- Best Paper Award, (SRO5) Fez-Morocco, Oct 2008
- University of Hartford International Travel Grant, 2011
- University of Hartford Coffin and Technology Grants, 2009, 2010
Abu-Aisheh's publications include articles, papers presented at conferences, books and book chapters related to his research interests in power, fiber optic communications, and solar energy systems.
Books and Book Chapters
- Akram A. Abu-aisheh and Majd Batarseh, “DC-DC Converters": A book chapter published by Elsevier in “Electric Renewable Energy Systems” book, fall 2015.
- Akram A. Abu-aisheh, “Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers Characterization and Performance Analysis”: A book chapter published with NOVA Science Publishers in a book entitled “Erbium: Compounds, Production and Applications”, fall 2011.
- Akram A. Abu-aisheh, “Pre-amp EDFA Noise Analysis for Optimal Optical Receiver Performance.” VDM Publishing House, Spring 2010.
- Abu-aisheh, A., “Design and Analysis of Solar/Wind Power Electronics Converters,” Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ). No.17. ISSN 2172-038X, July 2019. Article
- Akram Abu-aisheh, “Designing Sustainable Hybrid High Brightness LED Illumination Systems,” The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME), Volume 12, Number 2, pp35-40, Spring/Summer, 2012. Article
- Akram Abu-aisheh and Tom Eppes, “Enhancing Electrical Engineering Education Using Onsite, Virtual, and Remote Laboratories”, the Technology Interface International Journal (TIIJ), Spring 2012.
- Akram Abu-aisheh and Sameer Khader, “Hybrid MPPT-Controlled LED Illumination Systems”. ICGST-ACSE Journal, Volume 12, Issue 2, May, 2012. Article
- Grant, L., and Abu-aisheh, A., “Successful Integration of Informal Learning in Engineering Education,” The International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, (IJAC), Volume 5, Issue 2, May 2012. Article
- Sameer Khader and Akram Abu-aisheh, “A Case Study of Designed an E-learning Course for Electrical Engineering Students”. The International Journal of On-line Engineering (IJOE), Fall 2012. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Eppes, T., “Remote Laboratory Collaboration Plan in Communications Engineering”. The International Journal of on-line Engineering (IJOE), fall, 2012. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A., Hasan, O, and Khader, S. “Implementation of Dual Use Fiber Optic Communications Laboratories”, to be published in the International Journal of online Engineering (IJOE), Spring 2011. Article
- Khader, S. and Abu-aisheh, A., “The Application of PSIM & MATLAB/SIMULINK in Power Electronics Courses”. The International Journal of on-line Engineering (IJOE), Volume 7, Issue 3, August 2011. Article
- Grant, L., and Abu-aisheh, A., “Learner Mobility Between Engineering Education and a Twenty First Century Workplace,” The International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (IJAC), Fall 2011. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Moslehpour, S., "Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Minimization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance Optimization,” ELSEVIER Optics and Communications Journal. Volume 283, Issue 12, P 2603-2606, June 2010. Article
- Khader S. and Abu-aisheh, A., “Comparison Analysis of Boost Chopper with Various Snubber Circuits”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 2010. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Eppes, T. “Remote and Virtual Instrumentation Platform for Distance Learning”. International Journal of On-line Engineering (IJOE), Fall 2010. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A., and Alnajjar, H., “Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Characterization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance Optimization”, The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME), Spring 2010. Article
- Abu-aisheh, A., Eppes, T, and Al-Zoubi, Abdullah, “Implementations of a Virtual RF and Digital Communications Laboratory for E-Learning”. The International Journal of on-line Engineering (IJOE), Spring 2010.
- Khader S. and Abu-aisheh, A., “MPPT for Hybrid Energy System Using Gradient Approximation and MATLAB Simulink Approach”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Volume 4, Number 3, March 2010.
- Abu-aisheh, A., and Alnajjar, H., “Design Coordination of Pre-amp EDFAs and PIN Photon Detectors for Use in Telecommunications Optical Receivers,” The International Journal of Modern Engineering (IJME), Spring 2009. Article
Conference Presentations
- Akram Abu-aisheh, Sameer Khader, Omar Hasan, and Alan Hadad. “Improving the Reliability of Solar-Powered LED Illumination Systems”. ICGST International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy Systems, Alexandria, Egypt, April, 2012.
- Lynroy Grant, Akram Abu-aisheh, Alan Hadad, Hisham Alnajjar, and Barbara Poole. “Successful Integration of Informal Learning in Engineering Education”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2012). Marrakesh, Morocco, April, 2012.
- Sameer Khader and Akram Abu-aisheh, “A Case Study of Designed an E-learning Course for Electrical Engineering Students”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2012). Marrakesh, Morocco, April, 2012.
- Abu-aisheh, A., Hasan, O. and Al-Zoubi, A, “RFID Design, Simulation, and Implementation,” ASEE-NE Conference, West Hartford, CT, Spring 2011.
- Manzione, L. and Abu-aisheh, A., “Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Sourcing Environment,” ASEE-NE Conference, West Hartford, CT, Spring 2011.
- Hadad, A. and Abu-aisheh, A., “The Engineering/Engineering Technology Divide in the United States,” ASEE-NE Conference, West Hartford, CT, Spring 2011.
- Abu-aisheh, A., Hasan, O., Eppes, T., and Al-Zoubi, A, “Remote Laboratory Collaboration Plan in Communications Engineering”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2011). Amman, Jordan, April, 2011.
- Abu-aisheh, A., Hasan, O., Hadad, A., and Khader, S, “Implementation of Dual Use Fiber Optic Communications Laboratories”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2011). Amman, Jordan, April, 2011.
- Khader, S., Abu-aisheh, A., and Hadad, A. “The Application of PSIM & MATLAB/SIMULINK in Power Electronics Courses”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2011). Amman, Jordan, April, 2011.
- Grant, L. and Abu-aisheh, A., “Fostering Learner Mobility Between Engineering Education and a Twenty First Century Workplace”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON2011). Amman, Jordan, April, 2011.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Farid Farahmand, “LabVIEW-based Integrated Virtual Learning Platform (IVLP)” 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia, Summer 2010.
- Abu-aisheh, A., Eppes, T., and Al-Zoubi, Abdullah, “Implementations of a Virtual RF and Digital Communications Laboratory for E-Learning”. IEEE Educational Conference (EDUCON). Madrid, Spain, Spring 2010.
- Abu-aisheh, A., and Moslehpour, S., "Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Minimization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance Optimization,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Computing Science and Software Engineering (CISSE) Conference, Bridgeport, CT, December 2008.
- Abu-aisheh, A., and Alnajjar, H., “Design Coordination of Pre-amp EDFAs and PIN Photon Detectors for Use in Telecommunications Optical Receivers,” Proceedings of the 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference. Nashville, TN, November 2008.
- Abu-aisheh, A., and Alnajjar, H., “Pre-amp EDFA ASE Noise Characterization for Optical Receiver Transmission Performance Optimization,” Proceedings of the IAJC-IJME International Conference. Nashville, Tennessee, November 2008.
- Abu-aisheh, A., A. Hadad, and F. Farahmand, “Implementations of a Virtual RF and Digital Communications Laboratory for E-Learning.” 5th Congress on Scientific Research Outlook & Technology (SRO5) Fez-Morocco, October 2008.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and Tom Eppes, “Distance Learning Using National Instrument’s ELVIS-MULTISIM Platform,” 5th Congress on Scientific Research Outlook & Technology (SRO5) Fez-Morocco, October 2008.
- Moslehpour, S,, Puliroju, C and Abu-aisheh, A., "Design of RISC Processer Using VHDL and Cadence,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Computing Science and Software Engineering (CISSE) Conference, Bridgeport, CT, December 2008.
- Hill, J. and Abu-aisheh, A., “Educational Optical Fiber Data Communications Toolkit,” ASEE Conference Proceedings, Pittsburg, PA, Summer 2008.
- Sadeghi, R., Moslehpour, S. and Abu-aisheh, A., “Make a Global University”, American Society for Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, HI, 2007.
- Abu-aisheh, A. and D. Czarkowski, “Efficiency and Separation of Losses of an Induction Motor and Its Adjustable Speed Drive at Different Loading/Speed Combinations,” ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 103, Number 1, pp. 228-234, 1997.
- Abu-aisheh, A., Domijan, and D. Czarkowski, “Efficiency and Separation of Losses of an Induction Motor and Its Adjustable Speed Drive at Different Loading/Speed Combinations,” ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January 1997.
Supervised Master Projects
- “Design and Analysis of 500KW Grid Connected Photovoltaic System,” a master’s project in electrical engineering presented by Shafin Mahmoud, May, 2019.
- “High Power LED Illumination Using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA),” a master project in Electrical Engineering by Sead Alihodzic, 2013.
- “UHART Multimedia Rooms Design & Buildings Fiber Interconnect” a master project in Electrical Engineering by Malick Diop, 2013.
- “Low Cost Hybrid Solar Illumination System with Time Relay and Logic Relay Switching,” a master project in Electrical Engineering by Brian Fluss, 2012.
- “Solar System MPPT Control Mechanism,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Adnan Aziz, 2012.
- “Analysis of MPPT Technique for PV Systems with Boost and SEPIC Converters,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Sreecharan Kuchakulla, 2012.
- “Cryptographic DES Algorithm,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Govardhan Reddy Tippana, 2012.
- “Design of Solar-Powered Street Light With Maximum Power Point Tracking Charge Controller,” a master project in Electrical Engineering by Dhirendra Tiwari, 2011.
- “DC Supply Distribution and Switching of Street HID LED,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Ganesh Venkataraman, 2011.
- “Traffic Signaling with High Power LED”, a master project in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration Presented by Can Algan, 2011.
- “Illuminating the United Technologies Hall Using Solar Energy,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Luis Cipriano, 2011.
- “Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems Using PSCAD,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Muhammad Ishaq, 2011.
- “Observation of Cryptographic Properties of AES Algorithm,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Naveen Bhogadi, 2011.
- “Design and Implementation of a RFID System using FPAA Technology,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Edinson Murillo, 2010.
- “Designing Fiber Optic Illumination System For Directing Pathways,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Srikar Valiveti, 2010.
- “Implementation and Analysis of an all Optical Passive Transistor,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Swathi Ambati, 2010.
- “Traffic Light Controller Using Fiber Optics,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Satya Kamasani, 2010.
- “Implementation of Remote Laboratories at Herat University,” a master project presented by Edris Naseri, 2010.
- “Fiber Optic Communications Network at Herat University,” a master project in Engineering presented by Mohammed Tariq Popal, 2010.
- “Fiber Optic Based Intelligent “Arc Flash” Protection in Electrical Switchgears,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Anurag Jivanani, 2009.
- “Optical Transmitters in Optical Communication Systems,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Alavandhar Gupta Nerella, 2009.
- “Partner Choice in Coded Cooperative Systems” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Vasudha Desican, 2009.
- “Software Capabilities for Simulating Fiber Optic Data Links,” a master project in Electrical Engineering presented by Jehush S Prasad, 2008.