Chair; S. I. Ward Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering; Program Director, Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturemoslehpou@noujcf.com 860.768.4211 UT 302M Moslehpour YouTube Channel Downloads
Ph.D., Industrial Technology and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University
Ed.Sp, Industrial Technology, University of Central Missouri
MS, Electronics, University of Central Missouri
BS, Electronics, University of Central Missouri
Saeid Moslehpour is the Department Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture at the University of Hartford. He was the editor-in-chief of the Computer in Education Journal of ASEE. He holds a Ph.D. (1993) from Iowa State University, a Master of Science (1990), and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Central Missouri (1989). His research interests include modeling, simulation, testing, CPLDs, FPGAs, analog/digital mixed, embedded electronic system testing, rapid prototyping also cyberlearning. He is a past faculty senate chair at the University of Hartford (2011-13), ASEE Section I chair (2012-14), co-director of Connecticut NASA (2008-12) Space Grant, and ECE department chair (2010-16). Email: moslehpou@noujcf.com.
Research interests include modeling, simulation, testing, CPLDs, FPGAs, analog/digital mixed, embedded electronic system testing, rapid prototyping also cyberlearning.
Department Chair; July 2010 – Present
Associate Professor; January 2010 – Present
Assistant Professor; August 2004 – January 2010
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117
Associate Professor and Chair; August 2001 - 2004
Department of Computer System Engineering
Troy University (Campus of Sharjah), Sharjah, UAE
Associate Professor and Chair; January 2004 - July 2004
Department of Computer Science
Abu-Dhabi University, Abu-Dhabi, UAE
Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean; January 1998 - August 2001
Department of Computer & Electronics
Power and Water University of Technology (PWUT); Tehran, Iran
Production Consultant; February 1995 - June 1998
Aryan Sheed International Corporation; Tehran, Iran
Research Assistant; January 1994 - January 1995
Department of Industrial Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Electronics Instructor; June 1991 - December 1993
Department of Industrial Technology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Electronics Instructor; August 1990 - May 1991
Department of Electronics Engineering Technology, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri
Electronics Technologist; May 1990 - August 1990
Central Missouri Citizens Band, Warrensburg, Missouri
Research/Laboratory Assistant; August 1987 - May 1990
Department of Electronics Engineering Technology, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri
- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, member 1999- present
- ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- ASEE American Society for Engineering Education, member 2004 –present
- iNARTE International Association for Radio and Telecommunications and Electromagnetics, member 1989-present
Academic Service
- University of Hartford Faculty Senate Chair, 2011- 2013
- Chair of American Society for Engineering Education (North-East Section), July 2012-Present
- University of Hartford Innovation in Teaching Award Committee Member, 2012-present
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Chair, 2010-present
- Created promotional videos for ECE department, 2010
- Master of Fine Arts in Photography Program Review Committee, 2009
- University of Hartford Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, 2009-2011
- University of Hartford Faculty Senate Awards and Grants Committee, 2009-2010
- University of Hartford Faculty Senate member, 2009-present
- Webmaster for American Society for Engineering Education (North East region), 2009-present
- GASP Committee, 2007-2009
- International Chair, International Association of Journals & Conferences, 2008
- Member of Technical Editorial Board of Computers in Education Journal, 2006- present
- Member of Summer distance learning courses committee, 2006-present
- Consulted in areas of remote sensing, industrial monitoring, e-health and virtual university solution for System Progressive Pioneer, Inc., 2005 - present
- Consulted in area of OfficeStation project for Northern Net Technology, Inc. 2004- present
- Conducted PSpice workshop for Power & Water University of Technology, 2005 2007
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Northern Net Technology, Inc., 2004- present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Tehran Data Processing Development, Inc., 2004- Present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Pars Server Tehran, Inc., 2004- present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Pars Ertebat Tehran, Inc., 2004- present
- Technology Interface Journal reviewer, 2006 - present
- IEEE student chapter counselor, 2006- present
- Member of University of Hartford provost planning group for Blackboard, 2006
- Member of University of Hartford Technology Strategic Planning Committee ,2006-present
- 9th Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology reviewer, 2006
- Member of University of Hartford Faculty Senate Committee on International studies, 2004-2005
- Session Chair for American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2005
- Reviewed papers for American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2005-2007
- Member of Industry Advisory Board Holyoke Community College 2004
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Education Conference, Troy University (Sharjah Campus), 2004
- Member of Curriculum Committee, Troy University (Sharjah Campus), 2001 -2004
- Member of Information Systems and Technology Committee, Troy University (Sharjah Campus), 2001 - 2002
- Member of Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Troy University (Sharjah Campus), 2001- Current
- Member of Grade Appeal Committee, Troy University (Sharjah Campus), 2001- 2003
- Member of Faculty Senate Power & Water University of Technology, 1998-2001
- Member of International Electrical Engineering Conference, Power & Water University of Technology, 1999-2001
- Member of Research and Development Committee, Power & Water University of Technology 1999-2001
- Member of Curriculum Committee, 2000-2001
Contributions and Achievements
- Developed a RISC microprocessor using SPICE at University of Hartford, 2006-2010
- Developed a RISC microprocessor using VHDL at University of Hartford, 2006-2010
- Participated in designing OfficeStation solution at Northern Net Technology, (2004-2006)
- Developed a surface roughness measurement unit at University of Hartford, (2006-2009)
- Developed a 4-bit microprocessor on SPICE for enhancement of classroom teaching at University of Hartford, (2005)
- Completed revision of Electronics/Computer Engineering Technology at University of Hartford, (2005)
- Applied and received licenser for Computer Science Program (2004)
- Developed Computer System Engineering Programs Assessment Plan for Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2003-2004)
- Created IEEE Student Chapter at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2004)
- Developed Wireless laboratory at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2003)
- Developed Telecommunications and Networking laboratory at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2003)
- Developed research projects for senior students at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2002)
- Played a significant role in the accreditation process computer system engineering program at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2002)
- Developed the necessary survey tools for Institutional Effectiveness assessment at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2001)
- Conducted various competitions such as Programming contest, Web design contest at Troy University (Sharjah Campus), (2001)
Community Outreach
- Chair of North-East Section of American Society for Engineering Education (North East region), 2009-2012
- Webmaster for American Society for Engineering Education (North East region) , 2009-2012
- Publisher of “Journal of Research and Innovation in Engineering”, 2009 - present
- International Chair, International of Modern Engineering Journal, 2008
- Member of technical editorial board of Computers in Education Journal, 2006 - present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board Holyoke Community College, 2004
- Conducting PSpice workshop for Power & Water University of Technology, 2005 - present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Northern Net Technology, Inc., 2004 - 2012
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Tehran Data Processing Development, Inc., 2004- Present
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Pars Server Tehran, Inc., 2004 - 2012
- Member of Industry Advisory Board for Pars Ertebat Tehran, Inc., 2004 - 2012
Professional Service
- Member of technical editorial board of Computers in Education Journal, 2006 - present
- Technology Interface Journal reviewer, 2006 - present
- 9th Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology reviewer, 2006
- Session Chair for American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2005
- Reviewer for American Society for Engineering Education Conference, 2005 - 2007
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Education Conference, 2004
Soft Processors: Hard and Soft Parallel Processing
Electronic/Computer Modeling
Cyber Learning
- Analog and Digital SPICE (Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis) modeling
- SOPC Builder (System on a Programmable Chip Builder) that automates connecting soft-hardware components to create a complete computer system that runs on any of its various FPGA chips with Nios II
- PLD programming using VHDL, Verilog, ABEL, Altera, Max plus II, Quartus II and Xilinx
- Programming microprocessor simulator for design & testing for Intel’s 80x86 family, MIPS, Motorola and Intel's Pentium architecture
- Tested complex circuit boards to component level
- Designed and testing circuits using digital signal processing
- Telecommunications and advanced telecommunications
- LAN and WAN wired/wireless networking
- Microcomputer architecture and advanced microcomputer architecture
- Designed advance digital circuits
- Familiarity with test equipment such as logic analyzer, protocol analyzer and spectrum analyzer
- Signal capturing and programming with Hewlett Packard digital storage oscilloscope
- Cadence SPB Package, C, C++, Visual C++.NET, Visual Basic.NET, CPLD and FPGA design
- Familiarity with Windows, MS Office, Matlab, Electronics Work Bench, Design Works, ABEL, Multisim, SYSTAT, SAS, SPSS, and NC-VHDL
- Cadence OrCAD-PSpice system design and simulation including the PCB design with Cadence PCB Editor
- Web-based learning, distance learning, Blackboard and WebCT
- Certified Telecommunications Engineers at master level at iNARTE (International Association for Radio and Telecommunications and Electromagnetics) under FCC Federal Regulations number 20658, 1991-Present
- Cisco Wireless LAN for SE's and FE's v2.0, 2003
- Cisco Wireless LAN for Account Manager's v2.0, 2002
- Cisco Certified Network Associate, 2002
- Level II - Education Personnel Evaluator, 1992
- Department of Labor Auto-Mechanics License, 1984
- Department of Labor Color Television License, 1983
- Department of Education Television and Radio Assistant Engineer Diploma, 1979
- Academic Honor Society - Phi Kappa Phi (1993) - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
- Industrial Technology Honor Society - Epsilon Pi (1993) - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
- Professional Fraternity in Education - Phi Delta Kappa (1993) - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
- Excellent Student Scholarship (1992-94) - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Jenab, K., Moslehpour, S., KhouryVirtual, S., “Maintenance, Reality, and Systems: A Review”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 6, No. 6, December 2016, pp. 2698-2707, ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v6i6.11468
- Aboalayon, K.; Faezipour, M.; Almuhammadi, W.; Moslehpour, S., “Sleep Stage Classification Using EEG Signal Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey and New Investigation”, Entropy, 2016, 18(9), 272; doi:10.3390/e18090272. http://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/18/9/272
- Jenab K., Moslehpour S., "Cyber security management: A review", Business Management Dynamics, 2016, Vol.5, No.11, pp. 16-39
- Teimouri, H., Izadpanah, N., Akbariani, S., Jenab, K., Khoury, S., Moslehpour S., “The effect of managerial power on employees' affective commitment: Case study”, Journal of Management Policies and Practices, 2016, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 1-8
- Jenab K. , Ottosen N., Moslehpour S., "Application of scenario-driven hazard analysis in the solid rocket booster", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2016, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 16-19
- Jenab K., Ottosen N., Moslehpour S., "Application of scenario-driven hazard analysis in the solid rocket booster", International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2016, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 16-19.
- Abualkibash, M.; Mahmood, A.; Moslehpour, S., “A near real-time, parallel and distributed adaptive object detection and retraining framework based on AdaBoost algorithm”, High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2015 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-8, 15-17 Sept. 2015, doi: 10.1109/HPEC.2015.7322446
- Jenab K., Moslehpour S., "Failure analysis: Case study challenger SRB field joint", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2015, Vol. 8, No.6, pp. 339-347
- Jenab K., Fine T., Khoury S., Moslehpour S. " Cause-Consequence analysis for NASA’s space transportation system (STS)- solid rocket booster (SRB)", International Journal of Business and Management, 2015, Vol. 10, No.8, pp. 23-28.
- Jenab, K., Moslehpour, S., Cause-Consequence Analysis for NASA’s Space Transportation System (STS)- Solid Rocket Booster (SRB), International Journal of Business and Management, Volume 10 No 8, August 2015
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, K., Young, K., A Comparison of Achievement Resulting from Learning Electronics Concepts by Computer, Technology Interface International Journal, Volume 14, No 2, Spring/Summer 2014 Pages 49-52
- Jenab, K., Rashidic, K., Moslehpour, S., Intelligence Based Model for Condition Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Enterprise information Systems, Volume 9, No 4, Dec 2013 Pages 46–66
- Campana, C., Nazaryan, N., Moslehpour, S., Shetty, D., Application of He-Ne infrared laser source for detection of geometrical dimensions of cracks and scratches on finished surfaces of metals, Elsevier Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Volume 51, Issue 12, December 2013, Pages 1360–1367
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, K., Matcha, B. T., Weinsier, P. D., Design Of The NIOS II System for The Playing of Wave Files On An Altera DE2 Board , IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 2013
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, J., Pabla, B. S. , Implementing a soft core NIOS II processor for VGA application, International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation Volume 4, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2012 Pages: 5-11, ISSN: 2152-4157
Peer-Reviewed Conferences With Published Proceedings
- Salehi, H., Kosa, A., Mahdian, M, Moslehpour, S. Alnajjar, H. Tadinada, A., SPIE Conference 10044, Lasers in Dentistry XXIII, 1004406, February 8, 2017, doi:10.1117/12.2253362
- Ameli, A., Qadrdan M., Strbac G, Ameli, M. T., Moslehpour, S., The Value of Electricity Storage in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources in the Future of Multi-Vector Energy Systems, IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference on Engineering & Technology 2016 Conference Proceedings, November 2016, Orlando
- Ameli, A., Krauter S., Ameli, M. T., Moslehpour, S., The Value of Electricity Storage in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources in the Future of Multi-Vector Energy Systems, IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference on Engineering & Technology 2016 Conference Proceedings, November 2016, Orlando
- Alkharashi, A., Rajai, M., Kabirian, A., Moslehpour, S., The Recent Recession in the U.S. and Creative Solutions for Recovery, American Society for Engineering Education Mid-Atlantic Section Fall 2013, Conference Proceedings, October 2013, Washington
- Moslehpour, S., Shetty, D., Campana, C., Nazaryan., N., Application of He-Ne infrared laser source for detection of geometrical dimensions of cracks and scratches on finished surfaces of metals, submitted to Elsevier Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering (October 2012)
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, K., Matcha, B. T., Weinsier, P. D., Design Of The NIOS II System for The Playing of Wave Files On An Altera DE2 Board , submitted to International Journal of Innovation Science(October 2012)
- Jenab, K., Moslehpour, S., Rashidic, K., Intelligence Based Model for Condition Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Networks submitted to International Journal of Enterprise information Systems(October 2012)
- Moslehpour, S., K. Jenab, Young, K., A comparison of achievement resulting from learning electronics concepts by computer simulation versus traditional laboratory instruction submitted to Journal of IEEE in Education(October 2012)
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, J., Pabla, B. S., Implementing a soft core NIOS II processor for VGA application submitted to International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation (October 2012)
- Ameli, M., T., Shivaie, M., Moslehpour, S., Transmission network expansion planning based on hybridization model of neural networks and harmony search algorithm, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations Volume 3 Issue 1 2012 Pages: 71-80, ISSN: 19232926, EISSN: 19232934 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J., Jenab, K., Alnajjar, H., Breakthrough Detection Using Laser-Induced Thermal Diffusion Shock Waves, International Journal of Agile manufacturing, Volume 12 Issue 1 Spring 2012 Pages: 51-62, ISSN: 1536-2639
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, K., Valiveti, S., GPS Time Reception Using Altera SOPC Builder and Nios II: Application in Train Positioning , International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Volume 23 No 1 March 2012 Pages: 13-21, ISSN: 1536-2639 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Jenab, K., Namburi, N., Smart RFID Based Design for Inventory Management in Health Care, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Volume 22 Number 4 December 2011 Pages: 231-236, ISSN: 2008-4889
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J., Alnajjar, H., Digital Breakthrough Detection using laser-Induced, Thermal Diffusion Shock Waves, The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 12, Number 1, Fall 2011, Pages: 29-38, ISSN 2157-8052 (invited paper)
- Kondo, J., Moslehpour, S., Alnajjar, H., Analog Breakthrough Detection Using Laser-induced, Thermal Diffusion Shock Waves, The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 11, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2011, Pages: 60-67, ISSN 2157-8052 (invited paper)
- Ameli, M., T., Farzadpour, Z., Moslehpour, S., Dispatching of Active Power Reserve for Higher Reliability of Restructured Power Systems, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 7 Issue 12 December 2010 Pages: 6-13, ISSN 1548-7709 (invited paper)
- Abu-aisheh, A., Moslehpour, S., Pre-amp EDFA ASE noise minimization for optical receiver transmission performance optimization, Elsevier Journal of Optics Communications, Volume 283, Issue 12, 15 June 2010, Pages: 2603-2606
- Moslehpour, S., Kulcu, E., K., Alnajjar H., Model-Based Control Design Using SLPS “Simulink PSpice Interface”, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2010 Pages: 68-77, ISSN 1548-7709 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Kondo, J., Alnajjar, H., FM Transmitter System for Telemetrized Temperature Sensing Project, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 7 Issue 6, March 2010 Pages: 57-63, ISSN 1548-7709 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Odom, C., Barrett, T., Brown, M., Scorbot ER-III Robot, Technology Interface Journal, Volume 10 Number 3, Spring 2010, ISSN# 1523-9926
- Ameli, M., T., Mirzaie, A. , Moslehpour, S., Feasibility Study For Replacing Asynchronous Generators With Synchronous Generators In Wind-Farm Power Stations, The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 10, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2010, ISSN 1930-6628 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Karatalapu., S., VLSI and SPICE Modeling of ALU, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 6, No.10 (Serial No.59) Oct. 2009 Pages: 44-53, 47-51 ISSN 1548-7709 (invited paper)
- Ameli, M., T., Sotudehnejad V., Moslehpour, S., Reducing the undesirable effects of wind farms’ high-penetration on frequency, Journal of Communication and Computer, Volume 6 Issue 6 August 2009 Pages: 47-51, ISSN 1548-7709 (invited paper)
- Moslehpour, S., Campana, C., Shetty, D., Deryniosky, B., Stand-Alone Surface Roughness Analyzer, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 58, Issue 3, March 2009 Pages: 698-706
- Hill, J., Alnajjar, H., Moslehpour, S., Educational Discrete Time Signal Processing Toolkit, Computers in Education Journal, Volume XVIII, Number 2, April-June 2008, pages 6-17, ISSN 0736-8607 (outstanding CoED journal paper of 2008)
- Ameli, M. T., Moslehpour, S., Mehdi, S., Economical load distribution in power networks that include hybrid solar power plants, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 78, Issue 7, July 2008, Pages 1147-1152
- Moslehpour, S., Karatalpu, S., SPICE Modeling of ALU, Computers in Education Journal, Volume XVIII, Number 1, January-March 2008, Pages 23-35, ISSN 0736-8607
- Sadeghi, R., Moslehpour, S., Comparison Classical Method of Education and Modern Web-Based Distance Learning System (WBDLS), The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 8, Number 1, Fall 2007, ISSN 1930-6628
- Moslehpour, S., Filteau, E., Nieto, S., Fairbanks, D., Digital Waveform Generator using E2PROM, Technology Interface Journal, Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2007, ISSN# 1523-9926
- Cloutier, G., Moslehpour, S., Adaptive Elevator, Technology Interface Journal, Volume 7, Number 2 Spring 2007 ISSN# 1523-9926
- Ameli M. T., Moslehpour, S., Rahimikhoshmakani, H., The Role of Effective Parameters in Automatic Load-Shedding Regarding Deficit of Active Power in a Power System, The International Journal of Modern Engineering, Volume 7, Number 1, Fall 2006, ISSN 1930-6628